We are a Personal Defense Association that aims to prepare the common citizen in order to develop the perception and ability to analyze in a situation in which the barrier of physical and moral integrity becomes surmountable. We give greater emphasis to mental work as it is responsible for the entire operational part of the body, thus coordinating all factors and conditioning factors (cause – effect, action – reaction). The science of our work focuses on the study of man individually or collectively, thus developing a rigorous and rational knowledge about the most diverse situations, fully aware that no two situations are the same in the field of Personal Defense. Therefore, taking into account the disparity and diversity of situations that can occur in the daily life of the common citizen, a training plan had to be elaborated and developed that can cover and fill all these possible variants, from the warm-up followed by a technical, tactical and strategic part ending with a moderate physical conditioning.
We then prepare the common citizen to be equipped with a process that aims to reach an end, through an elaborate scheme of technical and scientific procedures. In the case of an application of understanding to know how to understand, evaluate and shape the method of mental development that encompasses all their knowledge, skills and tendencies in the face of surprise, danger, fears and phobias that at the time will be guaranteed to be decisive in conditional terms. We start from a pedagogical principle, in which, as in any profession that is performed, it is essential to always have three phases and mandatory approaches:
Beginning – Phase in which knowledge is made.
Half Term – Training and development that aims at an end.
End – Ability to respond and analyze the situation in order to find the most appropriate solution.
In order to ensure that this whole process is well internalized, there must be continuity and awareness of reality in training to avoid deviations or any type of mechanization until everything becomes fluid, because Self Defense is developed within the scope of preparation for situations real. Our work aims to guarantee your SAFETY, something for which probably no one has ever warned you or prepared you, however these days it becomes increasingly necessary, not to say mandatory, because at this very moment when you are reading this text the possibilities of someone being in a very delicate situation are numerous, where adrenaline is at its highest peak and doubt and indecision have taken over the situation and your brain is confused, chaos has set in… television and newspapers let them say it.
Many situations could be exposed, portrayed and analyzed here, but, however, they all end up merging and going against a single reality, mine, yours and the SAFETY of all of us… So remember, no one anywhere is or will be exempt from this reality. Perhaps Self Defense will come along and be a solution to consider because only training based on REALITY will make you suppress the feeling of unease when it comes to your own SECURITY!
Michael Viegas
6º Dan
Ricardo Correia
5º Dan
Ricardo Rosa
5º Dan
Rui Pereira
5º Dan
Jason Encarnação
4º Dan
Mário Silva
4º Dan
João Pacheco
4º Dan
Dietmar Luz
4º Dan
Bruno Correia
3º Dan
Álvaro Justino
2º Dan
Sérgio Tavares
2º Dan
João Coelho
1º Dan
Carlos Sacramento
1º Dan
Miguel Marcos
1º Dan
Tiago Almeida
1º Dan